Under this project all glossy magazines from our offices are collected and sent to a school for the blind, at regular intervals. The paper from these magazines is used for preparing reading and learning material in Braille.

This is an employee volunteering initiative at JM Financial. Employees help the lesser privileged, aged members of society through the SPONSOR A GRAN program of HelpAge India, and mentor children from Akanksha by counselling them on career options, self-confidence, academic help, etc.

JM Financial celebrates the ’Joy of Giving Week’ every year. Typically, the Joy of Giving week entails the following activities:

  • Joy Boxes are placed at our office premises through the week. Employees are encouraged to place various items such as clothes, stationery, household items, etc., which are donated to an NGO dedicated to the re-distribution of these items to needy people across India.
  • Blood donation camps across the offices of the Group, in Mumbai
  • A display of an array of items for sale such as envelopes, candles, table linen, etc., all made exclusively by paraplegics; an initiative that usually receives an excellent response from employees.
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